(In no particular order)
- I like looking at houses.
Kind of already knew this but now that we're seriously considering buying I have sat up and am taking more notice. It always fascinates me how other people decorate their homes. Personally I have no style, I just like what I like and am easily influenced by others. Some people are incredibly skilled. Others are incredibly not skilled. One of houses I looked at had a bright yellow kitchen bench with red tiles. Total vomit material.
- I internalise most of my physical pain.
And some of my whinging, which is alarming given how much I complain out loud. Matt, on the other hand, externalises Every Single Bit
of his. I think we're both learning to meet in the middle. Aren't we Matt?
Just when I think I could not possibly last one more night with the incessant sleep disturbance, they wake
more often. The night before last was a record 9 times. I am delirious. And the 15 minute block of sleep I did get resulted in a stupidly stiff neck. To spice it up around here we've taken to playing musical beds at random hours through the night. The Hansens, living on the edge. It's always exciting and unusual in this house.
I am seriously thinking about imprisonment for myself in order to get a break. It's the only way I'm going to get any respite in the next few weeks. Anyone know what offence will get me an 8 week stint in the slammer? Will consider most suggestions...
Here are a couple of gorgeous pictures to make what I've just written seem completely implausible.

- I can eat a whole Chocolate Ripple cake in 24 hours.
No further comment.
I know! Anyone who knows me will think I've lost my mind (which is entirely possible), but I really do. With Matt out of action I have not been to the gym or swimming in a month now. There goes my buns of steel and rock hard abs...
- I am attached to Steve Bracks.
Sounds ridiculous but he's the only premier I've liked since I became interested in the politics of Victoria. My fondness for Bracksy was probably enhanced by the fact that I loathed Kennett. I know Steve had his shortcomings but he always seemed so genuine, so 'human'. I think he and his Cabinet made a lot of gains for Victoria. Not wanting to sound dramatic, but saying goodbye to the end of an era brings with it a small sense of melancholy (I get far too attached to people and eras).
That's enough learning for one week I reckon. I'm off to training for work on Monday. We often complain in the office that there aren't enough professional development opportunites but in comparison to some fields (and other organisations in the same field for that matter) I think we do okay. Monday's workshop is The Silent Voice of Trauma - working with children with dissociative behaviours.
Well. That was a sombre note to end on wasn't it? I'll pop something cheerful in to finish. We have but 1 male in our team of 15. He's a great guy and we have a long standing prank game between us. He recently took leave and this is what we did to his workspace.

I love this post Katie Jones! *so you* lol
I wish it wasn't me! I'm such a whiner...
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