Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hello world!

Well add me to the many who have climbed on board the cyber-journaling craze. I'm so resistant to new things that it's taken me 12 months of reading other peoples' blogs to accept that this might actually be a good way of communicating with everyone.

My first piece of very exciting news which I'm sure everyone knows by now is that I'm an aunt! Justin and Adelle had a baby girl on Sunday evening - 5 weeks early but apparently doing all the things she's supposed to. I feel incredibly proud, like I had something to do with the actual event. I’m continually awestruck by the miracle that is life. What amazing beings we are.

Mieke is just delighted. This morning she drew a picture of her aunt and the new baby, and surrounding them were 6 pictures of herself.

So that's the first post from this virgin blogger. Now I'll post some recent photos of everyone so you can have a peek whenever you feel like it. Ahhh, ain't technology grand? I remember not too long ago, sending photos to the UK in between pieces of cardboard with the instructions DO NOT BEND in red marker plastered over the front. How times have changed.

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