I LOVE seahorses. Some of their appeal lies in the fact that it is the male who gets pregnant (dang those females have got it good), but also that they are amusing fish, so unusual in their appearance and entertaining to watch. For a while now I've been thinking about setting up a seahorse tank. I've had numerous goldfish throughout my life and while I found peace and beauty in observing my black moors and red cap orandas, I think it's time for something new and slightly different. I also have to say, goldfish can be pretty sensitive and mine never ate the pea that is supposed to cure the side-float-at-the-top-of-the-tank woes. (I got the pea advice on a goldfish forum - and was abused for cruelty to my goldfish because apparently the tank was too small. Who knew? The guy at the pet shop said they'd be dandy).
Setting up a seahorse environment is expensive, the ph balance and temperature has to be just so, which requires lots of faffing around (the official term) with testing kits. But the cost is totally worth it when you get a glimpse of these gorgeous, sociable, quirky things. And they are stronger and healthier than goldfish so we are less likely to have funerals.
These are the 2 types I have narrowed it down to:
The Southern Champion -

and the Asian Emperor -

Aren't they lovely? I like them both for different reasons, but both as much as the other. The Asian Emperors are commonly brown but can change colour depending on their mood (they have moods!). And the Southern Champs are smaller with fatter pouches and longer tails. Cute as.
1 comment:
Oooh. I love them. I want one too.
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