It isn't even my birthday until tomorrow but I have been thoroughly spoilt this year. Family dinner last night, breakfast with girlfriends this morning, and a day off tomorrow (nobody should have to work on their birthday, I am passionate about this). I know birthdays are not all about presents (a conversation repeated at least twice a year leading up to Feb 10 and Sep 15), but CHECK THIS OUT!

I know this beauty will stand unrivalled as the Best. Present. Ever. Isn't it magnificent? I am studying very hard to ensure I use every single feature and use it well. Matt also purchased a telescopic lense as an extra so that I can take pictures of his nose hair with perfect clarity. Well, maybe not for that purpose alone...
Now to the next beauty below. For those of you who don't know her, allow me to introduce Superstar Barbie. She was my first Barbie, released in 1977 - given to me by Santa in 1979. I took her to school early 1980 and foolishly left her on a seat outside. Needless to say someone else took a liking to her. By the time I realised I was without her it was too late and I never saw her again. This year Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday, an occasion marked with a re-release of the most popular dolls, Superstar Barbie being one of them. I casually mentioned it to my mother in passing a little while back and she, being my mother, secretly bought one for me.

And lastly (lastly meaning photographed here - not of the gifts I was showered with last night), are my short blacks. The proper deal, these Ugg's should last me a long long time. Matt thinks they would be appropriate attire for The Presets concert next week. They are so new and clean that I could almost wear them to our local supermarket, except I have an awareness of how awful they look when they're not being worn as slippers. And I do actually need to make the distinction between pyjamas and day clothes otherwise I'd never get dressed.
You're beating me with the concerts lately! Now if you find a black twirly-curls barbie, let me know! Should've got the one I saw in it went down J's husky's jaws...
Pammy, eat your heart out!!
Happy Birthday for Monday chic x
PS. Mine are in BEIGE!!!
PSS. Wanna go out n drinky and celebrate some more?? Or we could just go find a nice cheese platter somewhere..
Oh Kate you have everything to be happy about! I have a lovely idea about having UGGs to wear to school drop off, supermarket etc. but fear I would not feel as comfortable as I would feel. :)
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