This is Mieke and Frederique. They are only 10 weeks apart in age and have known each other since birth. Although they don't see one another often, both are skilled at picking up just where they left off, there is never any awkwardness or reaquainting necessary. Both are energetic, strong willed, determined, charming, imaginative and articulate. I remember many a time during toddlerhood, pulling one off the other after scratching, biting or some other physical 'incident'. They have always had a rather intense relationship, one which continues now, however has evolved into a deep fondness that I think is captured here.

So tonight we had our first sleepover. Well, Fred has stayed before but her parents have also been with us. This was her first solo stay. Elated little people have been making cubbies, 'baking', racing through the house and finally piled into the sofa bed way too late (it's 10pm now and they've only just stop talking).

These are exciting days. I remember one of my first sleepovers, how we lay practically nose to nose for hours, making up stories and talking about our parents. I think I was about 8. Sleepovers were a special event, one which held for me anticipation and a definite buzz. I don't recall ever having a negative experience, sleepovers definitely contributed to a most positive part of my childhood.
It's so lovely to watch Mieke's friendships take on their own nuances. Even though I've got nothing to do with the way they take shape, I'm proud and invested. I feel particularly protective of this one and really hope it keeps flourishing the way it has to date. Can't
believe she's 6. Whee!
Sweet dreams kiddies. xx